O gosto disso é tão revelador que foi motivo de estudo de Jacques Lacan, e aliás foi ele mesmo quem escreveu essa frase em um dos seus seminários. Fiquei sabendo disso lendo um artigo da revista The Symptom, em Lacan.com. Fiquei realmente impressionado e entusiasmado com a idéia, e de começo aqui vai um pedaço do texto, de autora Janne Kurki:
"The hour of truth implies that the letter—which cannot be divided—must enter into articulation (the order of the Law based on divisions, that is, on the structures of differences) without being melted into it. In the terms of Seminar VII, little by little we learn—that is, experience—that the goods we are after are not the Thing. This is the presupposition for the clinical effect of speaking cure: it creates the separation from the (m)Other. By saying aloud the things that have articulated our life (and death), we find out that they are not what we are after, that they are just changeable goods, represented by the Other in order to incorporate us into its system. We are part of it, but we are also something else and it is this “something else” that both bothers/haunts us (our “symptoms”/ sinthomes) and liberates (cures) us."
Essa descoberta me lembrou a Antropofagia dos visionários de 22, que se manifesta na "ciência do ajuste" nas palavras seguintes:
"The descriptive side of the arrival of the letter informs us of the experience-based success of psychoanalytic process and its relationship to the hour of truth: the letter will arrive at an articulation and because of this the truth will be said. However, this truth has its non-said side (alētheia implies its lētheia) which is its presupposition. In terms of eating one's Dasein, this means that—therapeutically—you must eat your Dasein at the hour of truth and—according to psychoanalytic experience—you will do it. Needless to say, the taste of Dasein is singular."
Não preciso dizer também que esse Weblog vai falar das complexidades e paradoxos, exatamente degustando os Dasein das mais diversas classes e posições a regurgitar novas formas, como bom taurino que sou.
E que o bom humor me guie na vereda da justiça.
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